Monday, December 10, 2007

What's for lunch?

Everyday I go through the same process of asking What's for lunch? Who doesn't? It's a habit that was processed years ago when Mom set out our clothes the night before, then in the morning she set a lunch bag in front us and shooed us out the door to catch the bus. That and the fact that I'm always hungry! The lunch bag wasn't a bad thing - I looked at it as a bit of a surprise grab bag; never knowing what might be inside. Sometimes you get lucky with leftover homemade cheese ravioli and garlic bread while other times it seemed better to drop the bag in the trash and go without. Let's not forget the school lunch either! The parking lot at our high school was behind the building so we walked by a window into the kitchen. There we saw them... the cooks! Coffee cup clutched in one hand and a cigarette in the other as they blew smoke out the window, all with stark white hair peeping out of their hair nets; ladies who you just knew lost their taste buds years ago. I think this was when I first realized how much I disliked the runny orange substance known as cheese in a can.

Now I hold my satisfaction for lunch in my own hands. Lunch can be a simple task or a drudgery. First I need to admit that no matter how much time I give myself in the morning, somehow I cannot get out of the house in a timely manner. There are days I give myself an extra 30 minutes only to realize I somehow spent 29 of those minutes in the shower! So it is evident to me that I must lay out my lunch the night before (this actually works well in terms of clothing too. I guess Mom really did know best!?)

So it is a nightly process starting after dinner. First assessing what is left over from dinner; is it enough for lunch? Do I have a container to put it in? Will it reheat? Will it give me too much indigestion for the office? And most importantly, will it smell so good that all of my coworkers will be envious? Or do I need to scavenge the cupboards to create something on the fly?

Expect to see various postings about lunch here because I think many people actually have a harder time with creating something for lunch than they do dinner. I look forward to inspiring new creative lunches for everyone (I will be adding photos as well!) Oh yes - what did I have for lunch today? Left over broccoli and turkey stir fry on an endive salad topped with balsamic dressing. Good aroma factor!
Good eats,

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