Denise ordered the wiener schnitzel which was such a huge portion that she took half of it home. I ordered the grilled meatloaf with a fried egg on top. Now I must say, when I read 'grilled meatloaf' on the menu, I envisioned the classic meatloaf- you know, ground meat in the form of a loaf. What came was a big piece of ham, maybe spam, I'm not even sure. The cabbage and potatoes and fried egg were fabulous. The 'meatloaf', not so great. But I tried it and now I know what German meatloaf is.
We also took Grandma Denise to a Greek restaurant (Santorini's) where I had a fabulous whole grilled sea bass. Santorini's had a great warm feel like an old Greek farmhouse, complete with a big open fireplace.
Cafe Iberico for Spanish tapas was a fun place and an interesting menu. It's a large interesting feel with a great old deli case, two separate long bars with Spanish dishes, pans and wares for sale.

I did also take Grandma Denise to the Russian tea house for lunch. The Borscht was outstanding as usual and I opted for the classic cabbage roll which was also outstanding. It is an expensive place, but how often do yo

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