This is the time of year where we are naturally supposed to take off a few layers, get moving outdoors again, bask in the crisp sun, get excited about buds on the trees and shed a bit of that weight old man Winter packs on us. Spring's bounty, produce like sprouts and asparagus, is meant for that purpose - to help us cleanse our systems
However, I don't really want a cold salad when the temps are hovering in the 40s. So today's recipe incorporates sprouts with a hot brown rice for healthy fried version. It's warm, comforting with a hint of Spring freshness.
Warmer weather is just around the corner; until them, try my Healthy Fried Brown Rice to. Oh, is that a little blade of grass I see popping up?
Fat and Happy Food Blog Tips and Techniques: This recipe is a great way to use up any left over grain, just substitute the grain you have for the brown rice. Add any meet for a little protein kick.
Healthy Fried Brown Rice
1 tbls organic coconut oil
1/4 cup sliced red onions
1 clove garlic
1/4 cup sliced celery
1/4 cup carrots, cut in matchsticks
1/4 cup carrots, cut in matchsticks
1/2 cup sliced peppers
1/2 cup spinach
1/2 cup spinach
juice of 1/2 fresh lime
1 tsp red curry powder
1 1/2 cups cooked brown rice
1/2 cup bean sprouts
a few sprigs of cilantro
1 tbls sesame seeds
1/8 cup alfalfa, radish or other sprouts
Salt and pepper to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
Add the celery, peppers, spinach, bean sprouts, curry powder and lime, toss, cook for 2 minutes. Make sure you get the curry paste mixed in. Add a few tablespoons of water if needed. Mix in the brown rice, toss, cook for another or to warm the rice,
Pour onto a plate or two, top with sesame seeds, cilaantro and fresh sprouts. (*I forgot to add the sprouts in for this photos, but they add a nice, fresh crunch.)
This made two meals for me but it could be just one plate of food. You could stretch it just by adding in more brown rice, meat or even an egg or two.
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